Small But Lovely Personal Memories

Created by Nancy one year ago
One of my earliest (and easiest to remember) memories is you occasionally treating me to lunch after primary school, typically at Morrisons café, when we’d get in the car you’d turn down the radio that nearly burst my eardrums it was so loud (always Al Jolson god knows how i remember that?!) and you’d sing “Mr Sun, Sun Mr Golden Sun” over and over again I couldn’t get enough of it. I remember walks to school with you and spending “sick” days with you with just us chattering nonsense while I play with my barbies, half eating chocolate 100 years out of date. Growing up with consistent holidays to Disney, Orlando were the pinnacles of my childhood and its all thanks to you Grandad. The reason behind my charity shops and bootfair interests have been passed from you, to mum then to me. In all honesty.. ive never appreciated how much you’ve affected my life, interests and generosity until now. You have really put your heart and soul into playing the role of Grandad. And I can speak for all of the others aswell as myself and say thankyou. We really couldn’t of landed a better jackpot of a Grandad. You were the funniest man, without you next door to take the mick out of me or other things in my life has really dulled things down. You were the anchor of the Tyler family and Im so glad to have atleast had memories and seen you when we have aged into adults. I couldn’t really ask for more, as much as i’d unrealistically liked to. You really are one in a million. Theres so much id like to say. So ill say it when we meet in the future! Love you Grandad ❤️
